fredag 5 februari 2016

Olle in Australia


Hello, Olmsroom!

Yesterday i arrived at Sidney with the plane. The airport was really boring. It was a real pain to wait for the bags to pop out.
Today i met a real nice guy from the City of Darwin. We were actually real good friends for a few minutes. For some reason he didn't want to be my friend anymore. I think it might be because i pushed him into that ten-meter deep hole that made him mad at me. I don't think the Australians appreciate being pushed down in holes. They are a real strange people the Australians, but they don't beat the Swedishs in strangeness, the Swedishs must be the weirdest people I've met. Anyway, in the few minutes i new this guy he took me to the opera house. He said he loved opera. I think it was like listening at someone been bitten by a dront or something. The opera house was all in all a real torture chamber, cool shape tho'.
The trip to Australia have been real nice. Tomorrow i'm gona visit some other place in Australia.

I really miss you and some day I will find my way back to Paraplym, i'l see you then! Hug mother and father from me!



Hello again, Olmsroom!

Today i have been visiting the dessert of Australia! It was a real nice dessert i think. Well it's actually the only dessert i have seen, so i have no experience to compare with. I don't no if all of the desserts are the same but this one was a little, hmm... what should i say... bisarr. It was like someone had taken all the sand she could come over. And just dumped it there. It was SO hot, almost like a volcano. And there was nothing to eat either, not a single hamburger restaurant on thousand of thousands of miles, I mean, the hamburger restaurants are everywhere else, so why not here?

I really miss you and some day I will find my way back to Paraplym, i'l see you then! Hug mother and father from me!



Hello for the third time, Olmsroom!

I'll get straight in to todays experience. It was so strange, i met the worlds strangest animal ever. It was like a REAL BIG rabbit, it walked on too legs and jumped like five meters. I think it's so strange i don't now what to say. I don't really now what they call them, I think it's something like "khaanghaaroooo". This animals was anyway very, very, weird.
So what did i do except being overjumped by strange animals? Well, not very much. Do you remember that angry guy from The city of Darwin? I met him again, he seemed even more angry then last time i met him. Unfortunately he was killed by one of the "khaanghaarooooes", it just came by and jumped him to the ground.
Well thats right, I almost forgotten; I am not trapped in the dessert anymore! I found a little oasis and i live there for the moment. My only company is a nice little rabbit i met the other day, she doesn't say very much though.

I am still miss you, hope we'll meet soon.



You are probably tired by me writing this by now, but I'll write it anyway:
Hello, Olmsroom!

Last time i wrote to you I were trapped in the middle of the dessert with a little rabbit as my only sidekick and friend. Well he ran away last night and i followed him. I named her Kangaroo by the way. Anyway, I followed her across the dessert and, guess what, she found a little field of carrots. The next thing happened very fast. A man came out from a little shrubbery,
"Hello!" he said.
And i just stud there, I didn't new what to say.
The man waved whit hes hand in front of my face. "Hello... follow me"
I just did what he told me. I was probably too chocked to speak at that moment, I mean, he was the first living soul spoke to me in all those days. He took me to a little campfire and said to me: "Sit down" i did what he told me. 

I still miss you.



I now, I now! You already now what I'm gona write, here it comes anyway:
Hello, Olmsroom!

Well I don't have time for an introduction in this letter so i will start telling you everything from the beginning of this day.
I woke up earlier than i use to do. I didn't new where in all Australia I were. So i grabbed my backpack and went of into the dessert. I had no food and no water. Well the next thing happened were kind of boring so I am not gona tell you about it. Anyway after two hours of dessert walking I finally reached something that could save my life; a road. The second after that I was hit by a buss in full speed.
After that I do not remember anything.

Wen i finally opened my eyes I heard an evil laugh... "We meet again" a voice said. And I knew I had heard that voice before...

As they would say up here; Se you!



 You are not alone with your opinion, I also think this is getting boring, but I am gonna have to write it down anyway:
Hello Olmsroom!

Last time i ended my letter with a real cliffhanger. I know, there were no cliffs and I didn't hang, but in English thats what it's called when in a scary situation. Anyway, let's continue on:

The well known voice spoke to me; "Well, well, well, the guy that pushed me down an eight-meter deep hole. And made a kangaroo jump me to the ground"
I opened my mouth a few times before I said: "Actually it was a ten meters deep hole..."
"That doesn't matter!" he shouted in my face.
"Well actually..." I argued
NO! you gonna feel what I felt, I'm gonna show you what it's like being pushed in to a ten-meter deep hole!
I just realized I where found inside an hospital. Not very strange, the opera guy, (that's my new name for him) looked terrible, he were scared all over hes face and he's arm where wresting inside a bandage.
"We are gonna go for a little walk."

I know, I know, I finished whit another cliffhanger, I couldn't resist it!

I think I'm gona find the solution, that means we will meet sone!



For ones I am not gonna write the same "hello" as always, this time I will write this:
Hi Olmsroom!

Now back to the story!
The Opera guy and me were going for a little walk. When we left the hospital I saw we were in the City of Darwin, you know, the place Opera guy came from. Anyway, we walked for a few kilometers. I didn't know were we were going but it was a very nice day. When we finally arrived to were ever it was he said; "Well, it's not ten meters but i think eight should do it!"
Then he just pushed me and i fell down the eight meters deep hole. Ten seconds later one of those khaaaanghaarooooos joined me. The bad thing of that was that it landed right upon my head.

A few hours later I woke up and guess what, I were home again, in Paraplym. The weight of that khaaaanghaaaroooo must have pushed me through the dimensions and now I am back here. I will knock on the door in a few seconds, se you then...

By the time of this I am probably back!


---------------------------------------------------THE END------------------------------------------------

1 kommentar:

  1. It's a really fun story!! I've laughed much to it, I mean going through a dessert for day and the meet the same man all the time is well a bit fun!!
