fredag 30 september 2016

Summary: p. 46-91 – English book circle

This part is starting off with Will asking Dale where he was living before he moved to where-ever-they-are. Dale of course doesn’t reveal his secret so easily. But this is only the first of many lies he has to make up. It isn’t long before he’s getting more questions about this. Some of the times he is really, really close to say the words that must not be said.

At the very same time, Minnie Cooper is about to find a way to reveal the Wards. She is interviewing Dales former best friend, when he is giving her a poisonous idea. She is going to visit the prison where Gavin is. Some time, at least one of the Wards must visit him. Minnie Cooper is going to wait until one of them is visiting, and then it will be no problem for her to find out where the Wards are hiding.

Dale is having a meeting with, his counselor, Frank. Dale is telling him about the forbidden thoughts he so often thinks. He’s of course wondering if they are normal or not. Frank says they are, but Dale is not convinced.

The bullying is getting worse, Dale gets in to not one but two fights. Because of the bullying Dale is forced to keep a low profile, both in the lessons and in the school yard.

This part of the book ends with a bit of a cliffhanger, when Minnie Cooper is just about to follow Dales mom, and expose the Wards in front of the public.

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